Performance meets

intelligent fluids have proven to be an effective alternative to aggressive chemical solvents such as acetone, N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP), and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO/ TMAH) in microelectronic cleaning processes.

Furthermore, intelligent fluids can be customized to meet the specific requirements of production systems. Parameters like etching rates and process times can be precisely adjusted to align with individual customer needs.

Our technology offers a
wide range
applications in the

Photoresist Stripping

Photoresist stripping is a crucial step in semiconductor fabrication, where the photoresist material used during lithography is removed after it has fulfilled its purpose. This process must be thorough to ensure no residue remains, as residual photoresist can affect subsequent processing steps and the final performance of the device.

intelligent fluids’ photoresist strippers gently, quickly, and efficiently remove both positive and negative photoresists. Our solutions are suitable for use in LED, MEMS, and display manufacturing and can effectively penetrate, fragment, and lift resist layers ranging from the sub-micron scale to over 250 microns.

technician holding a Wafer for quality managemnet

Metal Lift-Off

Metal lift-off is an essential process in fabricating microelectronic devices, including semiconductors, LEDs, MEMS, and displays. It involves removing excess metal layers — such as gold and aluminum — that were deposited over a patterned photoresist. This technique is often used to create metal features without the need for direct etching, which can be challenging for certain metals and feature sizes.
Our patented technology employs gentle phase fluids designed to remove impurities effectively and delicately. The unique structure of our fluids allows them to infiltrate and fragment even stubborn contaminants by lifting them off gently. For example, metal components are not lifted off directly. Instead, they are undercut via the underlying resist layer, which we break down, infiltrate, and lift off, thereby also lifting off the metal layer.

Equipment Cleaning

In semiconductor and microelectronic fabrication, precision and cleanliness are critical, as even microscopic contaminants can impact device performance. A proper cleaning process and swift turnaround are essential for maintaining process integrity and ensuring high-quality results.
This typically involves wet chemical cleaning, using solvents and acids, and plasma cleaning to ensure surfaces are free of organic residues and particles. intelligent fluids has developed specialized products for the gentle and effective removal of photoresists and other chemicals.
Our solutions ensure thorough cleaning while protecting the integrity of e.g., catch cups and the surrounding environment.

Your Advantages

Accelerated Cleaning Process

• Hot DI water rinse sufficient IPA rinse unnecessary
• Reduced equipment downtime & turnaround time

Lower Operating Temperature

• Application possible at 20 – 50 °C
• Lower energy costs

Environmentally Friendly

• Water-based formula
• Sustainable
• Low hazardous labelling

TCO Savings of up to 67%

Health, Safety, Security & Environment Benefits

• Improved occupational safety & better working conditions
• Replacement of aggressive solvents such as NMP, DMSO / TMAH and Acetone
• No ATEX / explosion protection required

Lower material consumption

• Longer bath lifetimes
• Low foaming formulations
• Substantial material savings

Excellent Material & Machine Compatibility

• Gentle on materials, equipment & users
• Low metal etch rates (customizable upon request)
• Longer technical-economic equipment lifespan

CO2 Reduction by up to 80%

Physical Lift-Off
Instead Of Chemical Dissolution

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